Windows 8: Zweiter Meilenstein wohl fertiggestellt
Dass Microsoft bereits an einem Nachfolger zu Windows 7 arbeitet, ist
inzwischen kein Geheimnis mehr. Laut einem Bericht der russischen
Website '' haben die Entwickler jetzt den zweiten Meilenstein kompiliert.
Die Bezeichnung der Build, von der die Öffentlichkeit nun erfahren hat,
soll "Windows 8 Milestone 2: 6.2.79xx.0.winmain_win8m2.xxxxxx-xxxx"
lauten. Möglicherweise handelt es sich dabei um die Version, die
Microsoft auf der Consumer Electronics Show (CES) zeigen wird, sofern
sich entsprechende Gerüchte bewahrheiten.
Über Windows 8 liegen bislang nur sehr vage Informationen vor. So wird über einen neuen 3D-Desktop namens "Wind" spekuliert. Als sehr wahrscheinlich gilt die tiefere Integration von Web-Diensten (Windows Live) in das Betriebssystem. Für Firmenkunden dürfte eine Funktion namens "Desktop as a Service" von Interesse sein.
:)I got my dad to start using Ubuntu; it wasn't too hard or anything, ceiridosnng he learns through experience. So, he knows how to open up Firefox to browse the net and watch his youTube stuff, open IE4LInux to browse the sites he needs for work (which only work with IE, sadly), open GAIM to chat with his friends and family on MSN and best of all, download things. Somewhat irrelevant, but with the use of Ubuntu, his HD space is decreased; he isn't downloading so much crap anymore (MP3s). My friend at school, who is a Mac dev., installed Ubuntu 6.10 onto his laptop (dual boot with XP, since we HAVE TO HAVE XP omfg) and loves it. He loves playing with Beryl. He loves how 6.10 just worked (with extremely minimal tweaking). Most of all, he just LOVES using Ubuntu he can get his code on like mad lyve styll.Incredibly irrelevant: I was looking through my gr12 physics notes yesterday cause I was looking for something in particular and I still have one of your tests. It made me miss working with you, laughing with you and playing with you. Cheers, I'll see you at various times during the holy-days.
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